
The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR), every year organizes a competition that calls university students (both private and public) to visualize statistical messages published by NISR on the website into infographics and interactive dashboards. The objective of this competition is to increase statistical literacy and awareness as well as statistical advocacy and data dissemination among the youth. This competition is part of the celebration of African Statistics Day which is celebrated every year since 1990. The African Statistical community celebrates African Statistics Day (ASD) with the objective of raising awareness about the importance of statistics in the economic and social development of the continent.

NISR is organizing the Hackathon competitition and therefore invites graduate and postgraduate students of higher educational institutions to produce winning static and dynamic infographics or interactive dashboards that describe one of these topics. Click on each link to get the report.

Requirement for participation

  • Each competition invites groups of 2 students from the same university or college to submit an entry. You will be required to show proof that you are a current student.
  • Students who were part of the top 3 teams at any previous competition are not allowed to enter the infographics competition but may still enter the hackathon.
  • Each group is allowed to participate in both competitions.
  • Students in their final year are encouraged.
  • Submissions for the infographic competition will be expected in either PDF, AI, EPS, SVG, or image format. Only one static image with its corresponding dynamic infographic is allowed. You are free to use the software of your choice like Adobe Illustrator (Static infographic), Adobe After the Effect (Dynamic infographic), and others.
  • Submissions for the hackathon will be expected as a GitHub repository link which will contain a script in the language of your choice (R or Python).
  • Please ensure that all images and your infographic video are available under a Creative Commons license or permission has been obtained.
  • By entering the competition, the entrants agree to grant permission to NISR to use and reproduce their work, with appropriate acknowledgment.
  • INTELECTUAL PROPERTY: PLAGIARISM IS PROBITED. In submitting your entry to NISR, you must declare that the infographic being submitted is your own work, and that all sources of reference are acknowledged in full. Otherwise, your team will be disqualified.

Evaluation Criteria:

Both infographics and dashboard will be judged based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the competition message
  2. Data and statistics are well presented.
  3. Creativity, originality, and Uniqueness
  4. Simplicity (Informative visualization)
  5. Storyline and story flow
  6. Innovativeness (Out of the box thinking)
  7. Graphic timing and Animation technique
  8. Shareability and Legibility (layout, color, font choice, size, and ratio)
  9. Presentation and teamwork


  • The best quality laptops will be awarded to the winning teams.
  • Note: Only final-year students from the winning teams will be eligible for professional internships at NISR upon completion of their education.

Important dates:

  • Registration is open on the NISR website from 22nd September to 16th October 2023
  • Communication awareness campaign: 24th to 30th September 2023
  • Submission of entries to NISR by 13th November 2023
  • First level evaluation from 15th to 17th November 2023
  • Notifications to the selected persons on 21st November 2023
  • Bootcamp + final evaluation 26th November to 10th December 2023
  • Final notification to the winners on 13th December 2023
  • Award/Certificate of recognition will be issued on 15th December 2023


Evaluation and coaching workshop

There are two phases of evaluation. The Bootcamp is conducted between the two and attended by individuals selected from the first evaluation to be mentored while finalizing the last phase of the competition. The objective of the Bootcamp is to improve participants' skills with the help of mentors and judges to ensure that competitors are supervised while sharing their skills and improving their respective submissions.

PDF icon Click here to download poster 

Questions are emailed to infographic.competition@statistics.gov.rw   or Call 0788216358

Unless otherwise indicated, data and analysis by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.