This section contains a list of non-statistical publications. These include Standards and methods, Strategies and policies, Survey documentation, Administrative Maps, Imihigo reports, User satisfaction, Release calendar and other miscellaneous reports such as visa reports issued by NISR etc. All tese official statistical publications are mostly in PDF format.
Standards and methods
- SAS Metadata Handbook-2024
- NISR Survey Operating Standard Procedure Manual
- Ibipimo by'Imibereho y'Abanyarwanda
- Teachers' discussion guide for reading data with children
- Compendium: Statistical Concepts and Definitions
- Customized Central Product Classification (CPC)
- Visa instruction manual (Version 2)
- Rwanda Metadata Handbook (EDPRS 2 and MDGs)
- National Quality Assurance Framework
- Labour Statistics Framework of Rwanda - 2014
- Visa instruction manual (Version 1)
- Rwanda Classification Manual (ISCED 97)
- Rwanda Classification Manual (ISCO - 08)
- Rwanda Classification Manual (ISIC, Rev.4)
- The System of Agricultural Statistics in Rwanda (Improvement Action Plan)
- National Accounts - Data sources and compilation methods (2011 Edition)
- Customized Classification of Individual Consumption according to Purpose (COICOP)
Strategies and policies
- The Third National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS3)
- Guidelines for Quality Assessment of Administrative Data
- CRVS National Strategic Plan
- Rwanda National Data revolution and Big data
- NISR Service Charter
- Rwanda Civil Registration and Vital Statitics (CRVS) systems
- NISR Organizational Development Strategy
- Data curation at NISR
- Advocacy and Communications Strategy for the National Statistical System
- Second National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2014 -2018)
- Microdata Release Policy
- EDPRS 2008 -2012
- Implementation of EDPRS - 2008
- First National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (2009 -2014)
- Strategic Plan for the Development of National Statictical System (2003-2007)
Administrative Maps
Miscellanious documents
- EVALUATION REPORT: NISR Infographic competition 2018
- EVALUATION REPORT: NISR Infographic competition 2017
- EVALUATION REPORT: NISR Infographic competition 2016
- General procurement plan for NISR (July 2013 - June 2014)
- Publication of results of tenders awarded -SERVICES (June 2012)
- Publication of results of tenders awarded -WORKS (June 2012)
- Tenders awarded -Progress Report (July 2011 - June 2012)
- NISR Procurement Plan (July 2012 - June 2013)
- 2012 Population and Housing Census (PHC) Booklet