The 2022 Rwandan Census shows that the country has a total population of 13,246,394 inhabitants out of whom 6,817,067 are females, representing 51.5% of the population while 6,429,326 are males, representing 48.5%. The results indicate that about 50.1% of the males reside in urban areas compared to their female counterparts (49.9%). In contrast, more females (52.1%) than males (47.9%) reside in rural areas.
The census reports show that they are more females (over 51%) than the males (less than 49%) enumerated since the first census in 1978. The males population has been increasing since 1978 when the country registered a higher proportion of females: 51.1% in 1978, 51.3% in 1991, 52.3% in 2002, 51.8% in 2012 and 51.5% in 2022.
The results further indicate that the proportion of the males residing in urban areas has been increasing steadily from 44.9% in 1978 to reach 50.1% in 2022.
The results from the 2022 census show that in Rwanda, the overall sex ratio for the country is 94 compared to 96 recorded in 1978. By considering the ratio of females over males, this means that there are 1060 females compared to 1000 males in 2022 while it was1040 females per 1000 males in 1978.